A Cold Summer?

Monday, January 14, 2013

The temperatures are dropping and once again we are feeling the cold of winter.  During the deepest part of winter we can always have hope that warmer temperatures and summer are just around the corner.  This was not the case in 1816, which was called the year without a summer, the coldest summer on record.  In May, Indiana had snow or sleet on 17 days.  In June, there was snow, and livestock froze to death.  A farmer, leaving home June 17, joked that he might get lost in a snowstorm; he did, and was found with both feet frozen.  Similar weather afflicted the rest of the nation, too, with ponds and rivers freezing every month.  Hopefully this summer will not be as extreme as the summer of 1816!

- From the Grant County Historical Society

Healthy Indicators

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Happy New Year! Each year millions of Americans make resolutions: lose weight, stop smoking, exercise more, spend time with family. These are admirable goals/resolutions, but they can be a difficult to stick to. INdicators is a free data resource that will inform and empower Hoosiers to take charge of their health. Indiana INdicators includes health-related gauges to help track healthy habits all across Indiana. Hoosiers can select their county or view other counties to see how their communities rate overall. This county snapshot includes information such as health indices, access to healthcare services, exercise, nutrition & weight, and other health-related issues and concerns. Information is a vital part in becoming a healthier Hoosier!